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By visiting this website ( the user tacitly agrees with the following condition of use.



The term “information” shall be understood to mean: all possible data, knowledge and information, provided in any way and form, including images, graphic elements, products, services, layout, software, music, sound, photographs,… This description is not exhaustive and also comprises all possible other items.



IndigoCare has taken great care in creating this website, but does not guarantee the correctness of the information. The user is also aware that the information is subject to change without notice. Therefore, IndigoCare does not accept any liability for the content of the site or for any use that may be made of it. When IndigoCare is notified of mistakes or incomplete data, IndigoCare will immediately make the necessary corrections or supplements.

In case links are created with other sites, for instance through the use of search engines, IndigoCare does not accept any liability for the content and existence of these other sites. Anyone who uses these search engines is aware that the Internet can contain illicit and/or harmful content and recognises that IndigoCare has no control over such illicit or harmful materials. IndigoCare does not accept any liability for mistakes in addresses of websites or domain names on this site.



If you have any complaints, please call +32(0)11 247 090 (every working day from 8.00 to 17.00, Belgian time-zone).



IndigoCare gives visitors to this site permission to copy and print out the information, provided that this data is used only for informative purposes by the user and with the exclusion of further multiplication, distribution, commercialisation or exploitation by a third party.


Unauthorised or illegitimate use

By using the website the user undertakes under no circumstance to use this site for illegal or unauthorised purposes. The user also undertakes:
to respect all intellectual rights, both those of IndigoCare and of third parties, to respect all human rights, in particular the right to privacy, to refrain from uploading or downloading information which is illegal, harmful, racist, obscene, sexist or objectionable for any other reason, not to release any unauthorised advertising or publicity, not to upload files infected with viruses, corrupt software or programs that are capable of harming the operation of other computers, not to send or post unsolicited messages, refrain from hacking IndigoCare’s system or any other system that is accessible via the internet, and not to violate any national or international laws.


Restriction of access

IndigoCare reserves the right to refuse access to any user to all or part of this website, unilaterally and without prior notification, for any reason.

Amendments to these conditions and provisions

IndigoCare reserves the right to amend the conditions, provisions and warnings under which this website is offered to you. Users are therefore obliged to read the general conditions of use with every visit to the site.



Discretion is very important. That is why we guarantee absolute discretion and a confidential treatment of the data of every visitor to this site.

At IndigoCare, a strictly restricted number of employees has access to your data. They also undertake not to abuse this possibility and not to violate any privacy rules.



Great attention was paid to security in the construction of the IndigoCare site. The technology used makes sure that all exchanged data is encrypted.



Some of the names, signs and logos used on this site (e.g. the logo and name of BOSCH, of IndigoCare, company names and logos) are protected trademarks.



If a provision of these (registration) conditions cannot be enforced or conflicts with a mandatory provision, this lack of enforceability or invalidity shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the other provisions.

Any disputes regarding the IndigoCare site are governed by Belgian legislation. In case of a dispute only the courts in the district of Hasselt have jurisdiction.